I just went and visited the Silver Farm in Mosier,OR. I had a grand time playing among the flowers, eating the fruits and veggies, and splashing in the creek. It was HOT! So peaceful and quiet. I did a bit of gathering work, berries, some of the biggest poppies I've ever seen and delicious carrots!
The sunflowers have just started to show their faces. While the dahlias need a bit longer (so I'll have to go back ;) )
The snapdragons are some of the most beautiful and fragrant. And the hollyhocks...there aren't words for their beauty!
I also couldn't believe how many bees there were, glorious buzzing sounds. Lots of creatures, a thirsty hummingbird by the creek, a water snake and some crawfish in the creek, butterflies golore and dragonflies.
I could have picked blue berries for hours and hours but alas I had to come back to the city.